Welcome to the City of Ventura's Public Records Online Portal
The City of Ventura is committed to digital transparency. The City utilizes OnBase, a specialized software product that allows for the scanning and storage of City documents, as well as easy access to those documents by City staff and the public.
Search Tips and Instructions:
For all date fields, the proper format is mm/dd/yyyy.
Use date ranges to limit your search to those that are relevant.
A "full text" query locates a specified search term in the record. The search term can be combined with other data fields associated with the document type.
A "keywords" query searches in the specified data fields associated with the document type.
*Asterisks* around a search term find that term where it is part of the data field (e.g. *parking* or *signs* or *sidewalk).
You may search for an Ordinance or Resolution by document number using the "keywords" query.
Narrow your search as much as possible by choosing the correct record category (Ordinance, Resolution, etc.)
For full-text queries, you may use the following search tools: Exact Phrase: "term1 term2"; Boolean: term1 AND term2 OR term3 NOT term4; Soundex: S{term}; Fuzzy: F{term}; Near: N#{term1, term2}
To open a document in a new window, click the icon
If a file is larger than 20 MB you will be prompted to download the file rather than viewing it in the online browser
For additional help, please follow this guide.
Note: In order
to view PDF files, you must have a PDF document viewer. To download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader visit the following website:
If you have any questions, please contact the relevant offices:
here to return to the City homepage. Thank you.